Monday, October 26, 2009


Chantal Plasse

Cut and Wrapped Fresh to Your Order!
"This is a raw, cow's milk cheese produced in Franche-Comté from affineur Chantal Plasse. An affineur selects and ages cheeses. Chantal finds obscure French farms and handpicks her favorite cheeses from their production. She babysits the wheels and blocks and releases them at their peak to select retailers and top restaurants. Her cheeses are rare, I mean we literally have to beg for them (it's not pretty but we go the extra mile for our customers) and they sell so fast that it makes our heads spin. If you love cheese then you owe it to yourself to remember her name. The current wheels of Abondance from her are stunning, complex and sublime. Serious stuff. Ooh la la baby. Stop by our Clayton shop for a free sample."
-John Nash, The Wine Merchant, Ltd.

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