Monday, November 16, 2009

Berger Bluff Farm Eggs
Fresh, Delicious and Nutritious
Mention our e-mail newsletter and save 15%!
"We met Lee, Ingrid and Leena Abraham from Berger Bluff Farm a few years ago when the Clayton Farmer's Market first opened. They're good people, the kind that you wish you met more often. They're blessed with green thumbs, a love of the land and a passion for growing tasty things to eat. We buy their delicious tomatoes in the summertime to pair up with fresh Mozzarellai di Bufala and we were thrilled when we learned that they're raising chickens and selling farm fresh eggs. They're also making weekly deliveries to the metro area. Their eggs are fresh baby, and totally different than the bland-tasting, white, factory-produced eggs. Berger Bluff eggs are snatched from the layers the same week that they're delivered. These are eggs as they should be with a natural, brown shell, buoyant egg whites and dark orange yolks that are rich and delicious. I feel like I've used 'delicious' too often but wait until you try these! They're about the same price as brown eggs that grocers are pedaling but these are fresher with much more flavor. Thanksgiving is right around the corner and Berger Bluff eggs would be a great way to splurge without breaking the bank. Affordable luxury that also supports a local, independent farm."
-John Nash, The Wine Merchant, Ltd.

PS We're still carrying Clarverach Farm Eggs when we can get 'em...

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